Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Definition of Faith

The other day, a random thing that I can't even remember now reminded me of this quote.

Let's get something out of the way: I barely landed a 7 in Physics class all through high school, so I know better never to debate THE Einstein on the subject which he basically was the god of. This one, however, didn't sit right with me. Is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results a form of insanity? Call me crazy (fine, pun intended), but to me it's called having hope. For what, you asked? A miracle. That one day your every failure will turn into a success, and that your perseverance pays off. It's not logical, but nothing about faith is. Faith is something you know doesn't necessarily make so much sense, if at all, but you believe it anyway because you know it's what meets the heart and not the eye, not the brain, nor the ears. Faith is what you will never lose despite how irrational you might seem to other people. While it's not always communicated for everyone to see --and judge--, it's forever kept, cause it's the most important thing. At least to me it is.

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